On Saturday, October 12, DGMC and DWC performed their final performance of Quiet No More – A Choral Celebration of Stonewall at the Arvada Center on its Main Stage. The combined choruses performed this commissioned piece a total of seven times in Golden, Broomfield, Denver, Fort Collins and Arvada to a total combined audience of 1,827. The total ticket revenue generated from the seven concerts was slightly under $45,000 and the choruses donated 150 tickets to high school and college students and teachers so that they could attend this important event. The tickets were purchased with funds donated by members of both choruses and performance patrons specifically for the purpose of exposing this important historical work to an audience that might not otherwise be able to attend.
In addition to the seven concerts mentioned above, that were exclusively performed by DWC and DGMC, members of both choruses flew to New York City and performed in Carnegie Hall for an audience of 2,804 with other gay and lesbian choruses from cities throughout the nation. Additionally, some members flew to Los Angeles, California and performed the piece in Walt Disney Hall with the Gay Men’s Chorus of Los Angeles for an audience of 2,265. The combined impact of all of this effort is truly commendable. -Christine Renee Monks